
OAuth  (Open Authorization) is an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization on the web. There are two types of OAuth, 2-legged, which authenticates the client application, and 3-legged, which authenticates the client

External API

An external API is designed to be accessed by the outside public. Unlike internal APIs, APIs are consumed by external developers outside of the company. External APIs represent a secure way of sharing

Consumer Key and Secret  

Consumer Key and Secret  are credentials associated with the client application. The Consumer Key and Secret are used to generate an Access Token, which is needed to make calls to APIs that the

Client Applications  

Client Applications  are the apps that developers build. When these applications call APIs from the API Directory, they are considered a client application of the API Directory. 


A client is a device that communicates with a server. A client can be a desktop computer, a laptop, a smartphone, or an IoT-powered device. Most networks allow communication between clients and servers


The term application gets thrown around a lot these days. Application software is commonly defined as a program or a bundle of different programs designed for end-users. Every program can be called an